sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

Pendragon - "The First 40 Years" (2019)

    • London 229 The Venue show:
  1. If I were the wind (11:31)
  2. The voyager (10:50)
  3. Two roads (05:10)
  4. Green eyed angel (06:26)
  5. Fly high fall far (05:16)
  6. Excalibur (06:54)
  7. Circus (07:15)
  8. Dark summer's day (06:56)
  9. 2 AM (04:15)
  10. I walk the rope (04:49)
  11. Queen of hearts
    • I) Queen of hearts (08:00)
    • II) A man could die out here (07:49)
    • III) The last waltz (04:53)
  12. It's only me (07:30)
  13. The freakshow (04:18)
  14. Fallen dreams and angels (05:32)
  15. Sister bluebird (09:10)
  16. Master of illusion (12:21)
  17. Faces of light (05:56)
  18. The last man on earth (14:40)
  19. Indigo (13:05)
  20. Am I really losing you? (05:56)
    • The World:
  21. Back in the spotlight (07:45)
  22. The voyager (12:19)
  23. Shane (04:27)
  24. Prayer (05:23)
  25. Queen of hearts
    • I) Queen of hearts (08:21)
    • II) A man could die out here (08:11)
    • III) The last waltz (05:25)
  26. And we'll go hunting deer (07:22)
    • Men Who Climb Mountains:
  27. Belle ame (03:16)
  28. Beautiful soul (08:03)
  29. Come home Jack (10:51)
  30. In bardo (04:55)
  31. Faces of light (05:50)
  32. Faces of darkness (06:25)
  33. For when the zombies come (07:35)
  34. Explorers of the infinite (11:08)
  35. Netherworld (05:48)

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