viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

Silhouette - "Staging The Seventh Wave" (2017)

  1. Prologue (02:31)
  2. Betrayed (01:46)
  3. Web of lies
    • Part I: The vow (08:30)
    • Part II: The plot (04:23)
  4. In solitary (06:17)
  5. Escape (05:37)
  6. Lost paradise (10:09)
  7. Betrayed again (01:20)
  8. Devils island (09:12)
  9. Beyond the seventh wave (07:30)
  10. Wings to fly (05:54)
  11. Grendel memories (05:24)
  12. When snow's falling down (10:25)

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