sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

Budgie - "We Came, We Saw" (1998)

  1. Breaking all the house rules (07:10)
  2. Crime against the world (05:43)
  3. Napoleon Bona part 1 and 2 (07:37)
  4. Forearm smash (06:03)
  5. Panzer division destroyed! (06:14)
  6. Wildfire (06:09)
  7. Breadfan (06:58)
  8. Frearm smash (06:57)
  9. Crime against the world (05:17)
  10. I turned to stone (06:29)
  11. Truth drug (04:27)
  12. Superstar (04:25)
  13. She used me up (03:46)
  14. Panzer division destroyed! (06:48)

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