miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2020

Lordi - "Monstereophonic (Theaterror Vs. Demonarchy)" (2016)

  1. SCG8: one message waiting (01:11)
  2. Let's go slaughter He-Man (I wanna be the beast-man in the masters of the universe) (04:32)
  3. Hug you hardcore (03:41)
  4. Down with the devil (04:31)
  5. Mary is dead (04:38)
  6. Sick flick (04:02)
  7. None for one (04:16)
  8. SCG VIII: opening scene (01:22)
  9. Demonarchy (06:02)
  10. The unholy gathering (05:09)
  11. Heaven sent hell on earth (05:43)
  12. And the zombie says (06:25)
  13. Break of dawn (05:48)
  14. The night the monsters died (07:13)

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