domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021

Steven Wilson - "The Future Bites (Deluxe Edition)" (2021)

  1. Unself (01:05)
  2. Self (02:55)
  3. King ghost (04:06)
  4. 12 things I forgot (04:42)
  5. Eminent sleaze (03:53)
  6. Man of the people (04:42)
  7. Personal shopper (09:49)
  8. Follower (04:39)
  9. Count of unease (06:08)
  10. Unself (instrumental) (01:04)
  11. Self (instrumental) (02:55)
  12. King ghost (instrumental) (04:06)
  13. 12 things I forgot (instrumental) (04:45)
  14. Eminent sleaze (instrumental) (03:49)
  15. Man of the people (instrumental) (04:42)
  16. Personal shopper (instrumental) (09:46)
  17. Follower (instrumental) (04:39)
  18. Count of unease (instrumental) (06:07)
  19. Personal shopper (extended remix) (19:44)
  20. Unself (long version) (02:45)
  21. Ha bloody ha (05:07)
  22. Move like a fever (04:45)
  23. King ghost (extended remix) (08:28)
  24. I am cliche (02:55)
  25. Wave the white flag (04:33)
  26. Eminent sleaze (extended remix) (08:15)
  27. In pieces (04:03)
  28. Every kingdom falls (04:06)

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