miércoles, 29 de junio de 2022

Marillion - "An Hour Before It's Dark" (2022)

    • Be hard on yourself: 
  1. I) The tear in the big picture (03:52)
  2. II) Lust for luxury (02:07)
  3. III) You can learn (03:28)
    • Reprogram the gene:
  4. I) Invincible (03:31)
  5. II) Trouble-free life (02:00)
  6. III) A cure for us? (01:29)
  7. Only a kiss (00:39)
  8. Murder machines (04:20)
  9. The crow and the nightingale (06:35)
    • Sierra Leone:
  10. I) Chance in a mllion (01:32)
  11. II) The white sand (00:53)
  12. III) The diamond (03:29)
  13. IV) The blue warm air (02:23)
  14. V) More than treasure (02:34)
    • Care:
  15. I) Maintenance drugs (04:37)
  16. An hour before it's dark (02:27)
  17. Every cell (03:18)
  18. IV) Angels on earth (04:56)

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