viernes, 3 de mayo de 2024

Kansas - "Point Of Know Return Tour" (1978)

  1. Song for America (08:39)
  2. Point of know return (03:09)
  3. Paradox (04:02)
  4. Journey from Mariabronn (08:33)
  5. Mysteries and mayhem (04:37)
  6. Lamplight symphony (02:36)
  7. The wall (04:57)
  8. Lonely street (08:03)
  9. Dust in the wind (04:13)
  10. Miracles out of nowhere (07:21)
  11. Portrait (he knew) (05:48)
  12. Carry on wayward son (04:52)
  13. Sparks of the tempest (05:04)
  14. Lightning's hand (04:06)
  15. Bringing it back (07:16)
  16. Magnum opus (03:28)

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