viernes, 3 de enero de 2020

Yes - "Yes 50 Live" (2019)

  1. Close to the edge (19:01)
  2. Nine voices (longwalker) (03:45)
  3. Sweet dreams (05:25)
  4. Madrigal (02:53)
  5. We can fly from here pt. 1 (05:51)
  6. Soon (07:36)
  7. Awaken (18:16)
  8. Parallels (06:17)
  9. Excerpt from "The ancient" (05:05)
  10. Yours is no disgrace (11:58)
  11. Excerpt from "Georgia's song" and "Mood for a day" (04:02)
  12. Roundabout (09:14)
  13. Starship trooper (11:40)

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