miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022

The Beatles - "Revolver (Japanese Edition)" (1966)

  1. Taxman (02:39)
  2. Eleanor Rigby (02:07)
  3. I'm only sleeping (03:02)
  4. Love you to (03:01)
  5. Here, there and everywhere (02:26)
  6. Yellow submarine (02:40)
  7. She said she said (02:39)
  8. Good day sunshine (02:11)
  9. And your bird can sing (02:02)
  10. For no one (02:02)
  11. Dr. Robert (02:18)
  12. I want to tell you (02:30)
  13. Got to get you into my life (02:31)
  14. Tomorrow never knows (02:59)

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