viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

IQ - "Tales From The Lush Attic (2021 Reissue, Japanese Edition)" (1984)

  1. The last human gateway (20:20)
  2. Through the corridors (oh! shit me) (02:38)
  3. Awake and nervous (07:57)
  4. My baby treats me right 'cos I'm the hard lovin' man all night long (01:51)
  5. The enemy smacks (14:06)
    • Bonus tracks:
  6. Wintertell (2012 recording) (03:06)
  7. The last human gateway (end section, alternative vocals) (02:48)
  8. Just changing hands (unfinished demo) (05:38)
  9. Dans le parc du chateau noir (unfinished demo) (06:45)

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