viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022

Andrew Lloyd Webber - "Symphonic Suites" (2021)

    • Evita:
  1. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 1) (04:32)
  2. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 2) (04:54)
  3. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 3) (02:45)
  4. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 4) (05:05)
  5. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 5) (03:08)
  6. Evita symphonic suite (pt. 6) (03:45)
    • Sunset Boulevard:
  7. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 1) (04:13)
  8. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 2) (03:53)
  9. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 3) (05:40)
  10. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 4) (04:26)
  11. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 5) (03:34)
  12. Sunset boulevard symphonic suite (pt. 6) (02:06)
    • The Phantom Of The Opera:
  13. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 1) (05:17)
  14. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 2) (02:22)
  15. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 3) (04:08)
  16. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 4) (03:55)
  17. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 5) (02:12)
  18. The phantom of the opera symphonic suite (pt. 6) (03:26)

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