martes, 28 de febrero de 2023

Jan Hammer - "Seasons, Pt. 2" (2022)

  1. Streaming (03:12)
  2. Summer solstice (03:20)
  3. Sonar song (03:25)
  4. Black diamond run (04:06)
  5. Suite atmosphere (04:31)
  6. Codename ruby theme (02:41)
  7. Moon of the long night (02:28)
  8. Waves (02:45)
  9. Electric storm (03:11)
  10. Empathy (02:24)
  11. Orbit X (03:27)
  12. Truth heals (01:55)
  13. Oceans and continents (05:43)
  14. Suite horizon (05:27)

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