martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

Jethro Tull - "RokFlote" (2023)

  1. Voluspo (03:43)
  2. Ginnungagap (03:49)
  3. Allfather (02:46)
  4. The feathered consort (03:40)
  5. Hammer on hammer (03:09)
  6. Wolf unchained (04:58)
  7. The perfect one (03:51)
  8. Trickster (and the mistletoe) (03:01)
  9. Cornucopia (03:53)
  10. The navigators (04:27)
  11. Guardian's watch (03:30)
  12. Ithavoll (04:00)
  13. The navigators (single edit) (03:24)

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