viernes, 21 de julio de 2023

Iron Butterfly - "Light And Heavy (The Best Of Iron Butterfly)" (1993)

  1. Iron butterfly theme (04:36)
  2. Possession (02:46)
  3. Unconscious power (02:32)
  4. You can't win (02:41)
  5. So-lo (04:04)
  6. In-a-gadda-da-vida (single version) (02:55)
  7. Most anything you want (03:45)
  8. Flowers and beads (03:09)
  9. My mirage (04:54)
  10. Termination (02:52)
  11. In the time of our lives (04:52)
  12. Soul experience (02:53)
  13. Real fright (02:44)
  14. In the crowds (02:12)
  15. It must be love (04:25)
  16. Belda-beast (05:49)
  17. I can't help but deceive you little girl (03:33)
  18. New day (03:17)
  19. Stone believer (04:25)
  20. Soldier in our town (03:19)
  21. Easy rider (let the wind pay the way) (03:07)

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