jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024

Big Big Train - "English Boy Wonders" (1997)

  1. Big empty skies (04:21)
  2. Brushed aside (05:37)
  3. A giddy thing (05:16)
  4. 28 years (02:24)
  5. Pretty mom (03:26)
  6. Out of It (05:57)
  7. Cloudless and starry and still (03:33)
  8. Albion perfide (10:23)
  9. Right to the end of the world tra-la (01:56)
  10. The shipping forecast (10:46)
  11. Mr. boxgroveman (06:12)
  12. Reaching for John Dowland (08:13)
  13. Fell asleep (03:35)

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