jueves, 2 de mayo de 2024

Keith Emerson - "Beyond The Stars" (2018)

  1. Toccata con fuoco (Piano concerto N° 1, 3rd. movement, piano: Rachel Flowers) (07:51)
  2. Beyond the stars (05:44)
  3. Glorietta pass (04:17)
  4. The dreamer (Ethan Emerson, piano) (03:05)
  5. Alberto Ginastara: Malambo op. 7 (adapted by Keith Emerson) (04:01)
  6. The mourning sun (Marc Bonilla) (02:59)
  7. After all of this (04:11)
  8. Walking distance (Marc Bonilla) (03:45)
  9. Aaron Copland: "Fanfare for the common man" (adapted by Keith Emerson) (08:42)

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