lunes, 29 de julio de 2024

Solar Project - "Pictures At An Exhibition" (2024)

  1. Promenade (part 1) (01:57)
  2. The gnome (02:04)
  3. Promenade (part 2) (00:58)
  4. The old castle (04:03)
  5. Promenade (part 3) (00:33)
  6. Tuileries (01:04)
  7. Cattle (03:15)
  8. Promenade (part 4) (00:43)
  9. Ballet of unhatched chicks (01:19)
  10. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle (02:31)
  11. Promenade (part 5) (01:46)
  12. Limoges / The market (01:47)
  13. Catacombs (01:26)
  14. With the dead in a dead language (01:40)
  15. The hut on hen's legs (03:31)
  16. Bogatyr gates (05:12)

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